Title: Art of Gino Fuchs
Subtitle: Portfolio 2003
Author: Swen Stötzer
Language: German, English
Pages: 128
Size: 28 x 21,8 x 1,4 cm. /11 x 8.6 x 0.6 inch.
Published: 2003
Condition: Cover:9.5/10 Inside: 10/10
This book “Art of Gino Fuchs” is the starting signal of the “daily graphics” series, in which the works of different artists are to be pre-prepared. the title “daily graphics” stands for those who have dedicated themselves to the graphic field with “body and soul” and pursue their passion daily or every night.
Since the beginning of the 90s I have been dealing with the development of graffiti in Berlin. it is precisely here that young people want to express their protest. They are looking for a way forward which, among other things, leads them to deal graphically with their environment, thus to realize themselves in their own way and to find a niche in society. Thousands of young people in Berlin still follow this path today. Many of my comrades-in-arms have developed from graffiti into an individual graphic direction. I would like to take the opportunity to present individual artists with this book series who have enjoyed a particularly good reputation in the scene for many years.
The first artist in this series is Gino Fuchs, of whom various working techniques are presented in this book, gino produces commissioned design on almost all substrates and has meanwhile become a much sought-after artist throughout Germany. The focus of the works presented in this book is on illustration: pencil drawings on cardboard, partially colored with airbrush, copic fiber pens or computer. Furthermore, many works with spray cans can can be seen, which found a place on walls, facades, screens or vehicles.
The reason for this first book was my upcoming diploma thesis in “printing and media technology” at the Technical University of Applied Sciences berlin. it represents the practical part of my work “conception and printing of an art book”.
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