Title: Beton Kultur, Issue 11-15, 2021 bis 2024
Country: Germany
Published: Dec. 2024
Pages: 228
Dimensions: 15 x 17 x 1.5 cm. / 5.9 x 6.7 x 0.6 inch.
Beton Kultur is a free magazine produced by PBMworx from Potsdam and distributed throughout Germany. The first Beton Kultur had a printrun of 500 copies and contained 28 pages. The circulation now: 10.000 copies. By popular demand and by the need to preserve and share PBM has published the first 5 issues in a hardcover book (Book 1, yellow). Including issue 3, which was never released in printversion! After the succes of this book the guys decided to print a second book (Book 2, pink)with the issues 6-10. Now here is book 3 (blue), with the best of the issues 11-15 (2021-2024)!
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