DVD: Breakdance Gang
Duration: 85 Minutes
Language: German
Genre: Documentary
From the backcover:
Do you know “The Mechanical Master”? Or the “Shabbadoo Crew”? Ever heard of Boogaloo Shrimp, Ice T. or NatTheCat? These bizarrely named dudes are Los Angeles’ hottest break dancers and the stars of this movie.
Along with New York, Los Angeles is the metropolis of vital hip-hop culture. Their forms of expression, breakdance, rap and graffiti, have gained worldwide popularity in recent years. Young misfits and underdogs from the city ghettos dance their way from poor conditions with energy and optimism over all obstacles to recognition and self-realization.
Director Topper Carew has achieved the feat of making the first authentic film about this cultural phenomenon. It’s not just any actors playing more or less clumsy break dancers, but those real breakers, rappers and scratchers whose stage is the streets of Los Angeles. In “Breakdance Gangs” you will experience strong music and rousing dance action. In addition, the break professionals talk about their art and explain how you can teach yourself the different styles of “Breakin and Enterin”.
Never before has such mad breakneck breakdance acrobatics been seen in a film. Here you really get to know the whole pulsating, vital variety of the real breaker scene.
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