Booktitle: Graffiti Ist Jazz Mit Buchstaben
Subtitle: Street-Art: Die bunte Stadt als Utopie
Authors: Frank Pudel, Sabine Ullrich
Published: 2015
Language: German
Pages: 160
Dimensions: 17 x 24.5 x 1.5 cm. / 6.7 x 9.6 x 0.6 inch.
For two years, Sabine Ullrich and Frank Pudel accompanied and observed the graffiti and street art scene in Halle and Magdeburg (Germany) with the recording device and the camera. All the actors portrayed in this book share a great passion: painting with a spray can on building facades. Sometimes socially critical as a meditative act, sometimes inspired by the Baroque, spontaneous and artistically innovative or as a rewarded commissioned work. Their works often disappear after a short time, painted over or weathered. What remains permanent is only the photo.
Stylewriting, street art and words by Mad C., Mark Gmehling, A. Signl- Captain Borderline Crew, Peka, Gordon Motsch, Strichcode, Danilo Halle und Ina Treihse, Anonym, Jens besser, Mike Okay, Sokar Uno, Soné and works by many others.
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