Title: Hall Of Fame
Subtitle: Graffiti In Deutschland/ Graffiti in Germany
Author(s): Bernhard van Treeck, Mark Todt
Published: 1995, First Edition
Dimensions: 21,5 x 20,5 x 1 cm. / 8.5 x 8.1 x 0.4 inch.
Language: German/ English
Condition: Cover: 9.5/10 Inside: 10/10
Hall Of Fame, Graffiti in Germany is a publication by Aragon that is part of a series of graffiti books: New York Graffiti 1970-1995, Graffiti Amsterdam, Wholecars Graffiti on trains and Swiss Graffiti. A series beloved by collectors, which at the time, all published in the 1990s, was quite a trendsetter for books on graffiti as their subject. And in the present, where book to book on graffiti is being published, this series certainly holds up. That also applies to Hall Of Fame. Contrary to what the name suggests, this book is not an overview of graffiti in legal graffiti places, but covers the entire spectrum of graffiti. On 144 pages the authors provide an insight into the world of German graffiti. The text is in both German and English and the book contains interviews (Daim, Cemnoz) and dozens of quotes by writers. In terms of photos (158 color, 9 black and white), the reader can indulge himself: color photos from Wholecars, Window-downs, End-to-ends and pieces on walls. All of an unprecedented high level and with one exception full color pieces!Including some features of Dutch writers (Mellie, Ces53, Delta, Reaze…). The crème de la crème of the 1990s German scene is featured: Rew, Jase, Neon, Chintz, Vola, Mason, Odem, Pest, Fume, Daim, Shok, Some, Dejoe, Esher, Amok, Wasp, Kame, Rio, Zinker, Sak, Sera, Smoke, Magic, Gismo, Shore, Shen, Cemnoz, Stone, Won, Cowboy 69, Loomit, Cazo …- Timski
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