Title: Sabe
Subtitle: FYS crew
Author: Amber Gruenhaeuser
Pages: 128
Dimensions: 6.5 × 9.3 × 0.4 inch / 165 x 23,5 x 1 com.
Language: English
Published: 2010
Condition: Cover: 9.5/10 Inside: 8.5/10 (dedication/ writing on first two pages).
Advocator of “Free Your Spirit” Danish graffiti maestro Sabe is a true master of styles that flexes on all levels whether it’s with his advanced mechanical letter compositions, new-wave bubble styles, photo-realistic portraits, cartoon characters, or just plain bombing. He is known to mix up these styles to suit the occasion and his mood. Never one to be called a slacker he has an unparalleled enthusiasm for the craft along with a work ethic and execution rate of an army of crews. With a career spanning over twenty-five years Sabe remains active, prolific and influential.
Sabe is a true master of styles. Adept on many levels, he is able to step in and out of advanced mechanical compositions, bubble styles, throw-ups, characters and photo-realism with ease. With a ‘paint now, think later’ attitude he mixes up these styles to suit the occasion, leaving a legacy of playful hybrids that sit left of mainstream. Never one to be called a slacker he has an execution rate that leaves most gasping for air.
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