BookSet: Os Lusiadas
Author: Original: Luis Vaz de Camoes. This bookset: José Luis Peixoto
Illustrations and murals: ARM Collective
Country: Portugal
Pages per volume: ca. 50
Dimensions: 24,5 x 19 cm. per volume. Total: 24,5 x 19 x 5 cm.
Collection of 10 books.
In 2013 ARM Collective’s artists MAR and RAM compose a mural, about 100 meters long, on Avenida da Índia, next to the Coach Museum and the Electricity Museum, Portugal. Initiated by Visao Magazine, which celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2013. The mural reproduces the 10 cantos of the work “Os Lusíadas” by Luís Vaz de Camões. A publication of “Os Lusiadas para toda a Família (for the whole family)” follows this mural. It is a work divided into 10 volumes, each of them with one of the cantos of the work that immortalized Camões, a short story, inspired by it, by José Luis Peixoto, and illustrations by ARMColective.
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