Title: Graffiti
Subtitle: 50 Ans D’interactions Urbaines
Author(s): LOKISS, Stephanie Lemonde, Nicolas Gzeley, Julie Vaslin
Published: 2018
Language: French
Pages: 336
Dimensions: 28.8 x 24.7 x 3.3 cm. /11.3 x 9.7 x 1.3 inch.
Condition: Cover: 9.5/10 Inside: 10/10
How can an art of signature, localized for the first time in ten years or so, invade the world and generate such vast and original typographical developments? Since their exit from gang culture, within a degraded and poor architecture, how have men and women defined the hypergraphic basis of this movement? Why have thousands of teenagers devoted themselves to this haunting practice, viscerally attaching their lives to the cart and the wall?
Directed by artist Lokiss, this book aims to draw the history of modern graffiti, that is, writing, from the New York subways of the 1970s to the walls and settings of the world today. The authors study signs and language, jointly focusing on the artistic aspect and contextual extensions.
The convergence of these two issues, that of art and its integration into the social and political sphere, within a culture initially founded on illegality, deserves a more in-depth analysis. The aim is to shed light on this historical “interaction” between the street and art. Between public interest vandalism and the museum of cultural goods.
This book offers a history of art “on board”, in contact with the culture it is supposed to describe. Immediately informed and alive, he confronts analyzes, testimonies, photos and drawings from a black book, on the surface of which Lokiss’ expert pencil leads us to the styles invented by the most emblematic writers.
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