Title: Stains
Issue: 9
Published: Dec. 2020
Country: Sweden
Pages: 84
Language: English
Stains Magazine, the only graffiti magazine in the world entirely focused on Swedish graffiti, is back with their 9th issue. Packed with photographs of graffiti on walls, freight trains, mixed Swedish trains, subways and commuter trains from Stockholm, even spraycations, despite the Covid-19 pandemic hit of 2020. 84 pages thick, with a really fresh cover styled by Såg 45 [BRO].
We also get to take a closer look at Larmo [ROKO] – sharing a bunch of mixed panels from Sweden, Holland and Germany, Lost [OND LLVL] – in the form of a really nice, analogue collage, southern Sweden’s uncrowned freight king Julie [TUM] – showing some extremely well-made carriages and last but sure not least, Stockholm-based PUBB crew – celebrating 20 years in the game!
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