Title: De Wereld Van Graffiti
Subtitle: Kunst uit vijf werelddelen
Author: Nicolas Ganz
Published: 2004
Dimensions : 22,2 x 23,4 x 2,5 cm. / 8.7 x 9.2 x 1 inch.
Pages: 376
Language: Dutch
Condition: Cover: 9,5/10 Inside: 10/10
The world of graffiti offers a unique insight into this art form and the development of graffiti over the last 35 years. The reader is taken through the streets of America, Europe and the farthest corners of the world. With over 200 photographs of artworks by more than 180 international artists, this is the most complete and current book on graffiti. Nicolaz Ganz has managed to combine his own experience with statements by the artists. This gives the reader a good insight into the trends and the development of the different styles, which has made graffiti what it is today: a worldwide phenomenon.
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