Title: Power Of Style
Subtitle: Berlin Stylewriting
Director: True 2 The Game
Released: 2007
Language: English
Duration: 240 min.
Condition Disc 1 & 2: 10/10
Condition box: 9,5/10
Berlin is not only the capital of Germany, but the undisputed graffiti capital of Europe. The DVD, Power of Style features the best work by exclusively Berlin based graffiti writers. This insider’s guide to Berlin’s thriving graff scene is packed with footage of Stylewriting! Featured artists include SKAR, BAD, DIKE, TWIST, FLER, RECK, PUMA, NERZ, ANGRY, ABIS, KIRD, AZUR, MIGEL, FIED, BURN, MICRO, SHAW, POET, JACK, STAR, KAZE, SUKE, DES78, TRY, DEJOE, DYSE, CRE8 and many more. With Power of Style, the directors True.2.The.Game sought not only to serve the players from the Berlin scene, but to reveal the true variety and vibrancy of this urban urban form to the public at large.
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