Title: Graffiti- Ausmalbuch (Graffiti Coloring book)
Subtitle: Malen wie die Profis
Coloring book
Pages: 48
Published: 2010
Dimensions: 21 x 29.7 / 8.3 x 11.7 inch.
Coverart by: Shiro
Poster by: Klub 7
Coloring book in Graffiti style! With a huge selection of drawings (sketches) of Graffiti letters, characters and illustrations from the Kings and Queens of the international Graffiti and Street Art scene. Including: Part One, Boots 179, Smash 137, Shiro, Daim, CanTwo, Loomit, Yes 2, Defer, Dock, Erm One, Sheas, Sabe, Pekor, King 157, 44 Flavours, Mr. Wany, Klub 7, Motel, Score, Binho, Does, Jaes and Rosko.
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