Title: King Kool City Berlin
Subtitle: Von Hip Hop Bis Graffiti
Language: German
Dimensions: 28.7 x 21,7 x 2 cm. / 11.3 x 8.5 x 0.8 inch.
Pages: 192
Published: 2016
Portraits of 1UP, AKTEone, Alesh One, AMOK, Bee Low, B-Tight, BVG, Checan, Chico, DVO, El Bocho, Falkland, FINO, Flying Steps, Frauenarzt, Graffitibox, ILOVEGRAFFITI.DE, Jürgen Horrwarth, JUST, Kool Savas, LKA 264 (Berlin’s police department specialised in graffiti and vandalism), Manny Marc, Marc Hype, Marcus Staiger, MC Bomber, MC Fitti, MOLOTOW, POET, Rap am Mittwoch, Soulrock, UNLIKE U, Urban Spree…
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