Title: Artcurial
Subtitle: 1970-2010: 40 ans d’art graffiti
Country: France
Language: French
Pages: 72
Dimensions: 22 x 28 cm/ 8.7 x 11 inch.
Published: 2010
Artcurial is a French auction house which has its headquarters at the historic Hotel Dassault in Paris.
Auction catalog, Paris- Hotel Marcel Dassault, 22 March 2010.
Photo’s of artwork, info on artists, auction prices. Artists: Seen, BillBlast, Blade, Crash, Neon, Nasty, Mode2, Dondi, Kenny Sharf, SKKI, T-Kid, Hondo, Taki 183, Koor, Quik, Ces, Cope2, Cornbread, Daze, Blek Le Rat, Ash, A-One, Reso, Rammellzee, NOC 167, Zephyr, Futura 2000 AND MANY MORE.
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Title: Artcurial
Subtitle: 1970-2010: 40 ans d’art graffiti
Country: France
Language: French
Pages: 72
Dimensions: 22 x 28 cm/ 8.7 x 11 inch.
Published: 2010
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De Volmer 52
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