Title: Writers United
Subtitle: The Story About WUFC- A Swedish Graffiti Crew/ Historien Om WUFC – Ett Svenskt Graffiticrew
Author: Bjorn Almqvist, Emil Hagelin
Published: 2005 (first printing)
Pages: 160
Language: English, Swedish
Dimensions: 30.5 x 23,7 x 1,5 cm. Portrait
Condition: Cover: 9.5/10 Inside: 10/10
GRAFFITI is an artistic extreme sport which is won by those who paint the biggest, best and most. Their prize is the admiration and respect of other graffiti writers. Writers United Football Club (WUFC) is a winning crew. These six young men have written their names on thousands of subway cars and walls. WUFC charge their letters with attitude by twisting and turning them until they receive a personal style. Their train pieces are given life as they travel through our cities. Excitement, creativity, affirmation and camaraderie are important elements in a lifestyle that bears the risk of mortal danger and imprisonment.
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