Title: Le Pressionisme 1970-1990
Subtitle: Les chefs- d’oeuvre du graffiti sur toile De Basquiat a Bando
Pages: 64
Published: 2015
Language: French
Dimensions: 33 x 24 x 0.5 cm. / 13 x 9.5 x 0.2 inch.
Official catalog of the cexhibition at the Pinacothèque de Paris, this work traces the major aesthetic transitions of the graffiti movement.
Works by Lady Pink, Crash, Bando, T-Kid 170, Bill Blast, Fab Five Freddy, Rammellzee, Daze, Toxic, Dondi White, Noc 167, Seen, Phase 2, Blitz, Jean- Michel Basquiat, A-One, Jay One Ramier, Quik, Spirit, Ali, Ash, Futura, Coco, Duro, Mode 2, Revok, Blade, Stay High 149.
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