Title: Lake- Mural Art From Berlin & Other Cities, Part 2
Concept, Layout and Design: Christian “Lake”Wahle, Aaron Rautenberg
Country: Germany
Language: English, German, Spanish.
Book contains 1 page with text, the rest are photo’s.
Pages: 160
Dimensions: 25 x 18,5 cm/ 9,8 x 7 Inches
Published: 2013
Buildings have always been more than a precisely calculated collection of stones. Buildings are always objects of art. The external designs are subject to the purpose, taste and zeitgeist and thus have a different effect on public space and affect people.
The economics of today’s buildings leave doubts as to whether the zeitgeist wants to combine with art, it brutalizes taste. The public space appears uniform, dreary and desolate. Since graffiti has established itself as an independent art form, boring building design has increasingly been combined with the creative ideas of graffiti art.
Lake, who has bundled a selection of his works from recent years in this new volume, has been one of the best in graffiti art worldwide for years. He doesn’t just design surfaces according to his style, he senses the space in which the building should work with his art, wants to convey messages, struggles for motifs, searches for shapes and color schemes.
In his commissioned works, he still retains his creative space, which is what makes his artistic work so special and distinctive.
Lake’s creativity, his design skills are at the highest level, as this volume proves. Whether simply ‘bringing joy into a dreary environment’, giving a building its ‘distinctive character’, or conveying ‘political messages’, also stimulating ‘thinking’ – with its art form it counteracts the sacrificial altar of economic construction methods and creates immobile art objects, animated he the public space.
People thank him and all graffiti artists.
Dr. phil. Axel Nünke
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